Add a CI/CD pipeline to an Amazon S3 bucket

2 min readMar 13, 2023


The online tutorial can be found here

This project had 4 Epics (tasks). I completed Epics 1–3 when I built a static website. All I needed to worry about was the fourth epic.

I expected to finish Epic 4 in less than 10 minutes but little issues with the configuration options turned 10 minutes into an hour.

The documentation wasn’t clear on the exact options to choose during configuration so I went with what I thought was right. Below I discuss the wrong options I went with and the right moves to take.
Artifact store- I selected custom location and chose the s3 bucket I created for the domain name (Wrong move, stick to the default)

The right configuration options

Build- “Can’t fail the pipeline, if you skip the build”. I attempted to create an AWS CodeBuild (wrong move and waste of time- just select SKIP BUILD STAGE)

S3 Object key- I spent time trying to figure out the exact path to the object key and the right syntax for it (Waste of time, do not bother to put in any key)

Extract file before deploy- I didn’t check this box and this turned my website to a zip file. Each time I clicked on the website url, it would download a zip file on my computer rather than display the website content so please be sure to check this box before clicking Create

To test my pipeline, I made some changes to the index file of the website on Github and the changes reflected in real time on the s3 bucket and the website, MAGIC!!!!

Disclaimer: This article describes my personal journey and recommendations made are merely suggestions.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, feedback or criticisms. Look forward to hearing from you




Written by Tigerine

Just here to express my thoughts and all the chaos that goes on in my head. Baring it all out here so I hope you get to relate with my content.

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